Comma to the Top wasn’t the only horse to finish the Run for the Roses in worse shape than when he started. Pants on Fire bled internally during the race due to some immune system problem and rather than heading on to the Preakness, will spend an undetermined amount of time recuperating at home.
ArchArchArch was bumped coming out of the gate, where his jockey believes his leg fractured, and then got bumped again further down the track. The poor creature ran the entire race on a fracture. He will never race again.
You know what? I take back my apology. If you’re a gambler, you do it at your own risk. All I ask is that you find something else to bet on besides animals.

There’s a great PETA ad that says it all. Obviously, dog fighting is a bloodier “sport” than dog racing, but the consequences—neglect and death—are the same for the dogs either way. The dogs have no choice in the matter. Nor do racehorses.
When gambling, stick to your own species.
[Pic of ArchArchArch by Harold Roth.]
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