So I read a tiny bit here and there in each book from my own library, never making much headway, and they stare back at me from that Current Reading Lineup every day, daring me to do something about them. What I’m tempted to do is remove the list.

This morning an idea came to me: What if I turned the list around? Why not have a list of the books Lull readers currently have their noses in?
I know some of you are reading something that’s work-related or school-related or helping you with your new business endeavor or inspiring you to change whatever it is you’ve been told is wrong with you. That’s okay. It’s still reading material and could prove valuable to someone else who visits Lull. I also know that many of you are quiet folks who rarely or never comment online. That’s fine. Just write the name of the book you’re reading in the Comments section of Lull—nothing else needed. On the other hand, if you want to remark on the book—a synopsis, a review, why you’re reading it, what you’re getting from it, thumb up or down—feel free.
Even if y

I look forward to hearing from you.
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