I nosed down into a book. Wanted to cross one off my Current Lineup if it was the last thing I did in this lifetime. And whaddaya know? I finally finished Malcolm Gladwell’s What the Dog Saw: And Other Adventures. If you’ve not already read this collection of New Yorker articles, then I highly recommend this book. It will give you new (or reaffirming) insights on first impressions, hiring interviews, advertising slogans, dog bites, medical diagnoses, and ketchup.

I’ve asked before, and I’m going to keep asking: What are YOU reading? A few people I know recently finished The Shadow of the Wind by Carlo Ruiz Zafón; another friend is reading Molly Peacock’s The Paper Garden: An Artist Begins Her Life’s Work at 72 (which I can hardly wait to start, though first I need to dig in to an SEO guide for the business site I’m building). Even a nearly illiterate acquaintance listens to books on CD. No one in my orbit is book-averse.
So ’fess up: What’s between the covers you hold?
[Pic of collage by Mary Delany from the British Museum.]
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