Saturday, July 4, 2009

Catch a Curveball, Change Your Life

Curveballs have been on my mind lately. Not because it's baseball season, but because people so often engage curveballs to describe the unplanned in life. Lately it feels like nothing but curveballs have been lobbed at me.

Now I'm not a glass-half-full kind of gal. I don't believe I have to catch the curveball to have it change my life. It can do that just as well when it slips through my fingers or lands far from my grasp. I can look at it as a positive change or a negative cross to bear. Or I can just look at it.

What kind of curveballs have come my way? Oh, the usual stuff: medical emergencies, job loss, reversal of fortune. I won't bore you with the litany.

I've learned to keep my mouth shut when I'm tempted to ask "How much worse could it get?" I've learned to count my blessings.

This is not to say that I'm comfortable with curveballs. On the contrary, they knock me off-balance and make me fret.

On the other hand, I feel a new kind of serenity about my future. I don't say "This isn't fair!" or "Why me?" I neither dwell on my misfortunes nor fantasize about getting a big break. I'm working on living in the moment.

Qué será, será.

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