All the What Ifs of pet guardianship sometimes freak me out and I know I’m not alone in this. The What Ifs are exactly the reason some folks are leery of adopting a new pet. What If…she develops allergies? he has hip dysplasia? she contracts cancer? he’s thunderphobic? This list could go on for days. Each possibility is a serious matter, but may never materialize. You can make yourself crazy with this game, or you can read Bulu: African Wonder Dog.

So relax. Don’t fret so much about the What Ifs. And DON’T allow the What Ifs to prohibit you from adopting a pet in need of a home.
On the other hand, if you and your pooch are relocating to Zambia, home to Bulu (and lions and crocodiles and tsetse flies), BE VERY AFRAID.
[Bottom pic is of Bulu and two baby warthogs, the first of many orphans Bulu fostered.]
Carol, I've just this week rediscovered your blog (along with mine!) and have been enjoying your calm and elegant prose. Thank you for staying on beyond the lull.
Thanks so much for revisiting, JP, and for your kind words. When is your blog going public? I'm sure Lull readers will be interested.
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