Every sunrise cues an orchestral event: Aves of Kentucky and those migrating through whistle, trill, mew, chatter cry, and produce all manner of sounds in a range of octaves. Identification has proved a challenge (they should provide a concert program).
Back in the Land of Lincoln, where “birds” meant pigeon or sparrow, spotting a robin was a treat. We worked hard to attract a few cardinals to our block. In the Bluegrass State, however, cardinals are plentiful (little wonder, I guess, since they are the state bird)—as are hawks, catbirds, blue jays, and a host of other birds I can hear but never see.
Of course, the concerts aren’t restricted to daybreak. Birds add to the soundscape here throughout the day and then again in concentration in the evening. I appear to be the only person in my ’hood who stops to listen to them, though. I’ve asked a couple of passersby for help in identifying a call, but they not only couldn’t identify it, they hadn’t heard it in the first place.
Pity. Perhaps their li

Heard any good birds lately?
[Northern Cardinal pic from The Firefly Forest; Kentucky Warbler caught in song by the folks at Nutty Birder.]
This is part of an ongoing series regarding my transition from the Land of Lincoln to the Bluegrass State. For a list of previous articles in the series, type Stranger in a Strange Land into Lull’s search function on the right.
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