These are all honorable endeavors. But imagine, instead, digging your way deeper into your craft—examining its edges, experimenting with them, and pushing your boundaries beyond what was expected of you in your last position. Imagine discovering new elements of whatever your life’s work has been.

It’s this continued drive and curiosity to fully explore your work/art/craft/vocation that will sustain your interest and success in it. For a dose of inspiration, watch It Might Get Loud.
This documentary features three generations of guitar legends—Jimmy Page, Edge, and Jack White—and their approach to music. You won’t learn anything about their girlfriends/boyfriends, children, pets, pet causes, or fave hair product. You’ll see their connection to guitars; you’ll hear their passion for music; and you’ll want their enthusiasm for the new and untried.
You don’t have to like their music to appreciate how they create it. And you don’t have to be a veteran worker or a dislocated one to feel reinvigorated after seeing It Might Get Loud.
You might, however, start pining for a guitar.
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