We passed a field full of foals as we wended through the countryside the other day. I’ve never seen so many tiny horses in one spot—and all by themselves, too. Not a single mare anywhere near them.
Had there been a place to stop the car, I might have gotten a picture for Lull. (Of course, had I remembered to take my good camera, I might have tried harder.)
Before we reached a sign that read “Congested Area”—which translates to “Careful! There are a couple of houses ahead!”—we passed a field full of cows. I commented that there seemed to be an unusually high number of calves in the herd for this time of year and then…
I couldn’t believe my good fortune: One of the cows was about to give birth! We had a chance to see a new calf come into the world. As I looked for a place to turn the car around, my Visitor said she’d already been through childbirth. She didn’t need to watch someone else (human or bovine) experience the pain.
I obliged and kept the car moving toward a quaint town where we could shop for inanimate objects. But my heart was miles back with the herd.
[Pic from Victory Rose Thoroughbreds.]
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